I'm not trying to go through a full self-evaluation process here, but, however, I feel after the first six months of Ethereum Stack Exchange beta, we should discuss the status of this site and the the overall performance and the content quality.
I'll start with some statistics, since the numbers are looking pretty good so far.
- We are constantly recieving 10 and more questions per day on a weekly average. There are drops in activity during friday-sunday periods, however, the other weekdays are a much more active. On a five week moving average, we have never been below 10 questions per day.
- We already have a solid user base after a rather short amount of time, 2 users with more than 10k reputation, 10 users above 3k, 16 with more than 2k and around 190 active users with at least 200 reputation.
- We are recieving quite a lot attention from search engines and have more than 2500 unique visitors every day. Roughly <20% questions get closed sooner or later, <5% get deleted.
However, these numbers are not mirroring quality and community health in general. For example, the activity on our meta site remains very low. Also, it's hard to evaluate the quality of the content compared to other resources on the internet (documentation, forums, reddit, etc.).
So, I would like to ask you: How is the Ethereum beta performing for you so far? If you ask a lot of questions: Are you getting good answers? Does it take a lot of time to get an answer? Are you recieving enough answers?
Try to highlight positive aspects, but also negative indicators; and try to suggest solutions for low activity or quality. Thanks.