Related to Can we get a logo and a header?.
I actually like this site even if I have no thoughts for Ethereum, and seeing that it doesn't have a logo at all, I think it's about time to propose a suggestion for one.
We know that the original Ethereum logo is not usable. How about try customizing it a bit. That's exactly what was done in Blender SE's logo.
It's the Blender logo, but turned into a speech bubble.
We could do something similar with the Ethereum logo.
Here's one I made using MS Paint:
Looks quite good, not gonna lie.
What do you suggest to make the logo?
Here are some questions you might ask from me:
Why are you wanting this?
For me, I think it is time to actually give Ethereum SE its own style along with the others.
Nice proposal, what's with the logo though? Why did you even make a custom logo?
The logo is basically the top of the actual Ethereum logo (the only customization I can think of to make it look good). Also, the logo is custom, and is actually what I am going to use here, but now that I'm suspended once again, I can't really edit to add more masks. I want to edit it using an alt account, however, but I don't want to risk abusing.
Do you have a custom theme for this site?
Well, no. I only want to try and give Ethereum some new style, like an actual logo.